There are a few things we need to get out of the way before delving into this subject. And all of them pertain to online dating. As with any online activity, it should be approached with caution and dare we say childish curiosity. You shouldn’t feel inadequate or digitally illiterate if you don’t get some things in the first go as this is the nature of our digital world. And you should dare to do things that you feel you should do, no matter how others may put you down. And we have a handy quote about this:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6
The world of online dating is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Never in the history of the world has it been so easy to find a soulmate. And yet it seems that so many of us have taken a different path. This brings us to the question at hand of whether is it right for Christians to date online. And right away we will dispel any doubts you have and answer this question with this quote:
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh
Genesis 2:24
So, yes it is right for Christians to seek other Christians on dating sites. Marriage is a holy union and as such, it is of the utmost importance for any living Christian. We need to “multiply and replenish the Earth” and this is something that can be considered a duty of all Christians. We live in uncertain times. In times when religion is often considered outdated and where atheism has taken a foothold in younger generations’ hearts.
We, Christians, must go with the times and adapt to this new world or face extinction. And this process of adaptation requires us to enter this new digital world that has become the norm.
There are two choices before you when it comes to the world of online Christian dating. The first one is more perilous and requires patience, intelligence, and love. We’re talking about the regular, big dating sites. These sites, although they provide you with a handy filter, are not meant specifically for religious people, let alone Christians. One glance at some of the profile pictures of registered users reveals that.
However, exactly because you’re in these treacherous waters where someone might send you a rude message and where there’s a small percentage of Christians, you might be able to find and form a stronger bond with a potential partner. On the other hand, you have the option we recommend and those are dating sites specifically designed for Christians. If you want to know more about them, just read our list of best Christian Dating Sites.