You probably know what flirting means in real life but do you know what it means in the world of Christian Online Dating? And don’t worry, this isn’t some secret code or something like that. It’s just a consequence of the limitations of online communication. There are many online dating platforms and most of them are fairly simplistic in nature. You might say they’re adjusted for the “modern” lifestyle where everything has to be fast. You look at someone’s profile and if you like them, you just send them a message. Some Christian dating sites are different and they have a special flirt feature that puts an incredibly important step between you and the person you want to get to know better.
First of all, we should all remember that over centuries and centuries, we humans, have developed special cues for non-verbal communication. The best example is a smile. We all know that warm feeling when the other person smiles and lets us know that everything is going well. You can’t smile on the Internet and let the other person know that you like them. You have just one option and that’s to send a message. And we all know that feeling when we send a message and then wait for the reply. Reply that may never come. And keep in mind that we’re talking about dating in general. When it comes to Christian online dating, things are even more complicated.
With that being said, we will focus our attention on only Christian dating sites. If you want the full list, just check out our: Best Christian Dating Sites. It features sites made for Christians that take care of a lot of the aforementioned issues. Some of those sites have this special feature called Flirt and it’s basically a signal that you find someone’s profile pleasant. It doesn’t specify the reason why. You might have read an inspirational quote you really love or you support that person’s commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever the case might be, that person will receive a notification that you flirted with them in their inbox. You can think of these flirts as likes because that’s what they are for all intents and purposes.

From then on, there are three possible scenarios. That person might flirt back, letting you know that she also likes you, or even message you straight away. And finally, there’s the scenario where he or she simply ignores you. Keep in mind that two out of those three outcomes are positive. The flirt feature makes the first move feel natural and more open-ended. It’s more in line with what might happen in real life than messaging someone straight away. We especially talked about this feature in our Christian Lifestyle review. As one of the biggest Christian dating sites, it’s free to join and it has a flirt feature.